Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Glenelg Placement Day 2

Glenelg Placement.
Day 2.
I spent all of the second day looking back through things that I started to produce in the first year, but also got taken into a briefing and briefed on the product 'RedTag' this is something that helps security on DVD packaging. I have been told that I need to rebrand this for the client that will be attending the next day. This was a good opportunity as it meant that I am able to pitch to someone in the industry.

This is the original RedTag logo that has been produced and used, I personally think that it can be done better and so does the company that created it therefore they have asked me to pitch some ideas for them to change it.

Developing the logo went through different stages, I wanted to include the idea of locking and security, also including the colour red, and the idea of it being a tag. The benefits of the redtag is that it is reusable which is why the 'G' has been turned into an arrow, it also helps the get the message across that all you need to do is unlock and go, therefore the 'G' works in two way and the 'a' shows the security and the lock. I think that this will work well in the logo. There is also a thin and subtle red line across the bottom with a tag, this is because the redtag security is subtle yet effective which is everything the logo is trying to get across.

The Pitch.
The pitch went really well, I felt a massive pressure and this was the first time that I have ever pitched to a real client. This was great experience for me and was really exciting. John Durkin was the name of the man I was pitching and he said that he really like it, and that it was a huge improvement on the original, and is something that he will put through to changing of the brand. This was great to hear it was a really good boost.

After the Pitch.
After the pitch John Durkin asked me for my details and to keep in touch with him as he is starting another company, basing it on branding and animation and wants to keep in touch for when he starts to get it off the ground he might have a place for me. This is a great opportunity for me and I have really enjoyed this experience.

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