Monday 4 March 2013

10,000 Steps Crit

Initial crit;
We went into the crit as a group with very vague ideas of what we wanted to do. We wanted to create a walking or sport brand, have a publication that we would distribute in gyms, as they are targeting people who are already interested in their health. We also wanted to create a walking kit with things in it which would help people who were starting to walk, also people who already do walk. The kit would have many different things which relate to walking and exercise in it, such as, blister plasters, water, sweat bands, nutrition bars e.t.c. We didn't have a name or slogan for our brand, as we thought that we would wait until we were told this was possible.

The feedback;
The feedback we got from this crit was that we couldn't make the kit as we would have to physically make the nutrition bars, which isn't possible for us in this amount of time, everything that we do we have to physically produce ourselves. Although Simon and Amber did seem pleased with the idea of the publication being distributed in gyms to people who are already interested in keeping fit and healthy. Therefore we will be producing the publication. They said that we could produce the kit, but suggest that it is something that we would do if we had more time, this would mean that we could use other peoples products with out packaging on it, saying that if we had more time we would develop this further and produce the products our self.

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