Friday, 22 March 2013

Speaking From Experience Initial Crit

The crit;
In this crit I had three boards my method of delivery, concept and production. These were my ideas or the brief, how I thought I would produce my ideas and how I would deliver them.

  • What format will the digital side form?
  • What will form the content, self directed or acquired?
  • Research - listography - books sold on urban outfitters site - may help with to do list?
  • Tone of voice?
  • Maybe not what they shouldn't be doing, but what they should be doing, in moderation?
  •  Procrastination, scale, size, format, content, structure
  • Questionnaires - good planning research
  • Design blogs are a good way to 'procrastinate well' makes them more informed.
  • Pin-ups are a good for reminding students.
  • Make sure you get the content ready. Design this asap
  • Self control
  • Maybe like what to do at the front then upside down on the back what no to do!
  • More creative things to inspire you.
  • Why you not working, too tired? Thats what you said yesturday...
  • Self control-app
  • Everyone knows what not to do, it there a way to actually stop them?
  • Sticky notes?
  • Good to include resources, indicate where they can find their own resources, blogs, books, e.t.c.
  • Will it be mainly image?
  • How will the pin ups be more eye catching and persuasive?
  • Maybe ask people what questions they needed answering?
  • Will people take notice?
  • Instead of procrastinating on facebook look at blogs
  • Sections, organise book/guide
  • Let them make it personal, own to do lists
  • Poster maybe better than calender
  • Inspirational
  • Stay relevant to the theme of procrastination
  • Self Control
What I took from the crit;
  • Do pin ups, students are always looking for things they can put on their walls.
  • Consider size
  • Consider stock
  • Consider format
  • Course has limited places, they should feel privileged, and they are here for a reason, they were chosen from a lot of applicants.
  • Do lots of mock ups
  • Good quality design.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

I You Were A...?

If you were a book what would your subject be and who would read you?
Any Rohl Dahl book book as it is simple ans easy to read, and is always enjoyable! I have never been very good at reading but Rohl Dahl books are something which reads really easily, everyone can read Rohl Dahl books and enjoy them, although they are mostly read by children.
If you were a packaging what would you contain and who would open you?
If I were packaging I would be a tissue box, because I am always there for people when they aren't feeling well and upset, the people who would open me, are people who are upset, and I would be used to make them feel better. They would feel better as I would be comforting and humorous to take their minds off their problems.
If you were a shop what would you sell and who would but it?
If I were a shop I would be a sweet shop, in particular The Traditional Sweet Shop in Leeds, it is a retro shop, everyone who works there is happy and very enthusiast about the customers and products.I would be a sweet shop as if you ask anyone one of my friends or family, sweets are one of the main things which get me through things, I always have sweets.
If you were a poster what would you promote and to whom?
If I were a poster, I would want to promote motivation, I would have motivational quotes on the posters. This poster for example has a inspirational quote on it, it is simple and has been printed, this is exactly the kind of poster I would be. I would be aimed at
If you were a brand what would your values be and why would they be important?
If I were a brand I would be Daisy by Marc Jacobs, specifically Daisy Sunshine, this is because it is something I have used for a long time, also it is named after me. My values would be making people happy and smell nice, I am a brand which is reliable and very well known, it is something you can rely on.
If you were an exhibition what would you show and where would you show it?
If I were an exhibition I would show screen prints of single words, all positive words as I believe that everyone should think positively, also I love screen printing and think that is one of my main strengths. My exhibition would be in Leeds as this is where I live and is where I have always lived, it is a very important place to me.
If you were a leaflet what information would you contain and who would read it?
If I were a leaflet I would be a found in universities and colleges, also could be found in schools, it would be full of things which I have learnt which made life easier for me, personally and professionally, for example telling people that they are going to get through something by just doing this...ect.
If you were a sign what would you show, to whom and where?
If I were a sign I would be simple, colourful(but tasteful), I would be straight to the point, happy and inspiring. You would find me in places you wouldn't expect, if your feeling down I would be there, as soon as you see me I would cheer you up, with my light heartedness.
If you were an app what would you do and who would use it?
If I were an app I would be snap chat, I think that it is a really well thought through app, it is available for everyone, it is used to allow people to communicate in a more inventive way. It can also allow people to come out of their comfort zones as they can send a picture which will disappear after a maximum of 10 seconds.
If you were a blog, what would you be about and who would follow you?
If I were a blog I would be like theinspirationlist, which it a blog with lots of other blogs on it, helpful when you need something, but doesn't actually contain any information itself. The people who would follow me are people who are lost, I will help them with what they need but only by guiding them in that direction, not by doing it myself.
If you were an event, what would it be and how would you promote it?
If I were an event I would be a fun fair, there would be lots of rides and roller coasters, there are also stalls and food, a bit of something for everyone. I would promote it using posters and balloon animals, the posters or leaflets would have info graphics showing how to make the balloon then at the bottom would have the fun fair details on it.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Where am I now?

10 things I have learnt about myself as a learner;

1. I thought that I was quite good at organising my time, but I have found that since joining this course I don't have very good time management at all, as there is a lot of work from different areas of the course, therefore I need to learn how to manage my time more efficiently.

2. Having practical and contextual work to do I have found I am not very good at writing, I find myself writing in first person a lot, which isn't good when writing an essay.

3. I don't like working in groups as it means that I have to depend on other people a lot, and if they don't do the work, it reflects badly on you. I find that working on my own is better for me as I am in control of the work I am producing, although I am aware that it is something I don't have an option in, but if we could choose I would work on my own.

4. I have a weekend job as I need the money, therefore I have learnt that I need to make sure my work is done through the week, as I have a lot to do during the weekend.

5. I have learnt that I spend a lot of time trying to organise my time by making lists, but I over plan, therefore I run out of time to do the things on my list, and rarely ever finish my lists.

6. I have found that blogging in the lectures and during sessions saves a lot of time on an evening and gives me more time to do my design work. Also I find that I can take more in when I type notes up, rather than writing them down.

7. I have learnt that I have to organise my money more efficiently as on this course I have found that I spend quite a bit of money on traveling to and from college, also on food whilst I'm there and print credit.

8. As I have been learning a lot about the different types of graphic design and the fact that it is foud everywhere, I have found that I have been noticing it around me a lot more and having more opinions on things, whereas before I saw them but never thought anything about it.

9. I have learnt that I am a procrastinator, and that I should just do the blogging or the work as soon as I get it, whilst its fresh in my mind. As I keep doing other pieces of work before it, then losing my train of thought on something else, it would be better for me if I were to blog things straight away, so I don't forget them.

10. Finally I have found that I don't get a lot of work done whilst I am in the studio with my friends. Although I do get ideas, help and thoughts from other people in the studio about my work, I get distracted very easily, and find that I get less distracted when working from home.

10 things I have learnt about myself as a designer;

1. When doing practical work, or looking at other designers, I have found that I am drawn towards designs which are more simple and clean. This has shown me what I am interested in. When looking at different design blogs, these are the designs that I look for.

Noma Bar

2. Whilst being on this course I have found that I have become more interested in typography, we have learnt a lot about it during design principles sessions, when first coming onto this course I thought that I liked type and knew quite a bit about it, but I have just found that I have learnt a lot more and what I thought I knew was nothing, and I really enjoy working with developing typefaces also using different typefaces.

Birth of a type

3. I have learnt that blogging is an important process, and that blogging each day in small amounts will help me to manage my time more efficiently. Blogging consumes a lot of time, but by doing a small bit everyday will help to keep me up to date, also it will consume a lot less time.

4. During this course I have found that I am more interesting in logos in branding and identity. I have learned how much they do for a brand, and there is still more for me to learn about.

Using branding and identity in Product and Packaging brief, Daisies.

5. Whilst being on this course I have found that I am being very critical of other designs, looking at signage for restaurants and commenting on the typography used, and how it is the wrong typeface for what the restaurant is.

6. I have found that I don't really enjoy working in groups, as it means that you have to rely on other people to do certain things. Although I have found that it is something that I am going to have to do, and also there can be positives about working in groups, as someone else in your group may have different strengths to you therefore if everyone in the group worked to their strengths, which means the overall outcome and design would be better.

How to... brief

7. Since being on this course I have found that checking design blogs and websites that are updated regularly helps me, increases my knowledge about design, and keeps my design ideas current.

From up North

8. I have always found that I like packaging even when I was doing my foundation course, but since I have been on this course I found that my interest in packaging has increased and I have learnt that it is something that I have most time for, and have most interest in.

Product and Packaging brief, Daisies.

9. Having crits with and from my peers allowed me learn my mistakes and correct them, it also allowed me to see what they are doing and take inspiration from that. When my peers crit my work, they can tell me whether the design works or not, and what I should change, this will show me other peoples views rather than just my own which could be biased. In my crit I found that I had to develop my idea further from a simple design to something more complex with more info graphics.

10. In design principles we have also been working with colour theory, I have learnt a lot about using different pantone books to reference colours, also I have learnt that colour theory is really important when it comes to graphic design.

Monday, 4 March 2013

10,000 Steps Crit

Initial crit;
We went into the crit as a group with very vague ideas of what we wanted to do. We wanted to create a walking or sport brand, have a publication that we would distribute in gyms, as they are targeting people who are already interested in their health. We also wanted to create a walking kit with things in it which would help people who were starting to walk, also people who already do walk. The kit would have many different things which relate to walking and exercise in it, such as, blister plasters, water, sweat bands, nutrition bars e.t.c. We didn't have a name or slogan for our brand, as we thought that we would wait until we were told this was possible.

The feedback;
The feedback we got from this crit was that we couldn't make the kit as we would have to physically make the nutrition bars, which isn't possible for us in this amount of time, everything that we do we have to physically produce ourselves. Although Simon and Amber did seem pleased with the idea of the publication being distributed in gyms to people who are already interested in keeping fit and healthy. Therefore we will be producing the publication. They said that we could produce the kit, but suggest that it is something that we would do if we had more time, this would mean that we could use other peoples products with out packaging on it, saying that if we had more time we would develop this further and produce the products our self.

What Makes You You?

What makes you you?
What makes you a designer?

After writing our 5 things that makes you you, and illustrating them with images, also the 5 things which makes you a designer with images, we were told to have the images separate them mix them up. As a pair, me and Mel made bullet points about our initial thoughts from the images we were given. After bullet pointing about what we think the images mean to them, and separating them into piles of which we think are about them and what we think are about them as a designer, we wrote 50 words about them, and what we thought the images meant.

  • Likes use of colour
  • Geometric shapes
  • Cats could be her favourite animal
  • Likes family
  • Organised person
  • Gold? Jewellery? Ambition?
  • Interested in type
  • Simple/Clear
Roxie is someone who hopes to achieve and has ambition. Being organised helps her to work efficiently an generate numerous ideas for her design work which often features the use of various colours and type. There are different sides of her personality, and it is evident that family is of importance to her. She likes cats.

  • Monochrome
  • Triangles
  • Minimal design
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Geometric
  • Minimal colours
  • Organised
Vicki is an easy going, down to earth individual, who values her family. Her interests lie in music and fashion. Her design work consists of sophisticated, simplistic/minimalist designs featuring the use of monochrome and geometric shapes. Her organised approach to work helps her to create balanced designs. Triangles.

After doing this we went back to our groups and told each other what we had written to see if we agreed with them, and to see if them matched.

What Sam and Sarah said about me;
Daisy likes to Ski as a hobby and maybe she has been on a skiing holiday or is planning to go. She gets distracted from work by watching you tube videos or visiting other sites on the internet. She likes dogs or has got a dog. We also thought that Daisy is organised, or may aspire to be more organised and likes to keep fit in classes such as zumba.  As far as practice is concerned. Daisy is very interested in packaging design, particularly those or design in general that is minimalist but has a funny tone of voice. She also likes it when these values are combined with clever concepts. Daisy keeps up to date with looking at blogs, or thinks she should view more as this is an important part of development.

I thought that what Sarah and Sam took from my images was very accurate and shows that the images I chose communicates who are am as a person and as a designer very well.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


5 things about me as a person;

1. I like to keep fit, exercising makes me happy and makes me feel refreshed, it is something that I do for a break, it helps me to clear my mind.

2. I love animals, specifically dogs, I really want a pug or a beagle, or a puggle (cross of a pug and beagle).

3. I like making lists, and find them very satisfying when I can tick things off when I have completed them. Although I have learnt that I spend a lot of time trying to organise my time by making lists, but I over plan, therefore I run out of time to do the things on my list, and rarely ever finish my lists.

4. I am a procrastinator, I am always doing something, then I get detracted and end up doing something else.

5. My favourite place in the world is Verbier, Switzerland, it is where my brother lives and I can also ski there.

5 thing about myself as a designer;
1. When doing practical work, or looking at other designers, I have found that I am drawn towards designs which are more simple and clean. This has shown me what I am interested in. When looking at different design blogs, these are the designs that I look for.

Noma Bar

2. During this course I have found that I am more interesting in logos in branding and identity. I have learned how much they do for a brand, and there is still more for me to learn about. I especially like how some logos use negative space to show hidden meanings to a brand, and I like how effective this makes the logo.

Julius Seniunas

3. I like to use different methods of printing, for example screen printing and mono printing. I think that these methods are very effective, and make the designs more physical rather than just digitally printing.

Anthony Peters

4. Since being on this course I have found that checking design blogs and websites that are updated regularly helps me, increases my knowledge about design, and keeps my design ideas current.

From up North

5. I have always found that I like packaging even when I was doing my foundation course, but since I have been on this course I found that my interest in packaging has increased and I have learnt that it is something that I have most time for, and have most interest in.

Claudia Carieri