10 things I have learnt about myself as a learner;
1. I thought that I was quite good at organising my time, but I have found that since joining this course I don't have very good time management at all, as there is a lot of work from different areas of the course, therefore I need to learn how to manage my time more efficiently.
2. Having practical and contextual work to do I have found I am not very good at writing, I find myself writing in first person a lot, which isn't good when writing an essay.
3. I don't like working in groups as it means that I have to depend on other people a lot, and if they don't do the work, it reflects badly on you. I find that working on my own is better for me as I am in control of the work I am producing, although I am aware that it is something I don't have an option in, but if we could choose I would work on my own.
4. I have a weekend job as I need the money, therefore I have learnt that I need to make sure my work is done through the week, as I have a lot to do during the weekend.
5. I have learnt that I spend a lot of time trying to organise my time by making lists, but I over plan, therefore I run out of time to do the things on my list, and rarely ever finish my lists.
6. I have found that blogging in the lectures and during sessions saves a lot of time on an evening and gives me more time to do my design work. Also I find that I can take more in when I type notes up, rather than writing them down.
7. I have learnt that I have to organise my money more efficiently as on this course I have found that I spend quite a bit of money on traveling to and from college, also on food whilst I'm there and print credit.
8. As I have been learning a lot about the different types of graphic design and the fact that it is foud everywhere, I have found that I have been noticing it around me a lot more and having more opinions on things, whereas before I saw them but never thought anything about it.
9. I have learnt that I am a procrastinator, and that I should just do the blogging or the work as soon as I get it, whilst its fresh in my mind. As I keep doing other pieces of work before it, then losing my train of thought on something else, it would be better for me if I were to blog things straight away, so I don't forget them.
10. Finally I have found that I don't get a lot of work done whilst I am in the studio with my friends. Although I do get ideas, help and thoughts from other people in the studio about my work, I get distracted very easily, and find that I get less distracted when working from home.
10 things I have learnt about myself as a designer;
1. When doing practical work, or looking at other designers, I have found that I am drawn towards designs which are more simple and clean. This has shown me what I am interested in. When looking at different design blogs, these are the designs that I look for.
Noma Bar |
2. Whilst being on this course I have found that I have become more interested in typography, we have learnt a lot about it during design principles sessions, when first coming onto this course I thought that I liked type and knew quite a bit about it, but I have just found that I have learnt a lot more and what I thought I knew was nothing, and I really enjoy working with developing typefaces also using different typefaces.
Birth of a type |
3. I have learnt that blogging is an important process, and that blogging each day in small amounts will help me to manage my time more efficiently. Blogging consumes a lot of time, but by doing a small bit everyday will help to keep me up to date, also it will consume a lot less time.
4. During this course I have found that I am more interesting in logos in branding and identity. I have learned how much they do for a brand, and there is still more for me to learn about.
Using branding and identity in Product and Packaging brief, Daisies. |
5. Whilst being on this course I have found that I am being very critical of other designs, looking at signage for restaurants and commenting on the typography used, and how it is the wrong typeface for what the restaurant is.
6. I have found that I don't really enjoy working in groups, as it means that you have to rely on other people to do certain things. Although I have found that it is something that I am going to have to do, and also there can be positives about working in groups, as someone else in your group may have different strengths to you therefore if everyone in the group worked to their strengths, which means the overall outcome and design would be better.
How to... brief |
7. Since being on this course I have found that checking design blogs and websites that are updated regularly helps me, increases my knowledge about design, and keeps my design ideas current.
From up North |
8. I have always found that I like packaging even when I was doing my foundation course, but since I have been on this course I found that my interest in packaging has increased and I have learnt that it is something that I have most time for, and have most interest in.
Product and Packaging brief, Daisies. |
9. Having crits with and from my peers allowed me learn my mistakes and correct them, it also allowed me to see what they are doing and take inspiration from that. When my peers crit my work, they can tell me whether the design works or not, and what I should change, this will show me other peoples views rather than just my own which could be biased. In my crit I found that I had to develop my idea further from a simple design to something more complex with more info graphics.
10. In design principles we have also been working with colour theory, I have learnt a lot about using different pantone books to reference colours, also I have learnt that colour theory is really important when it comes to graphic design.