Hallmark Cards.
I have always had a huge interest in greetings cards, they are something I collect when I see ones I like. This is something that I have always done and will probably always do, even though I don't design a lot of greetings cards myself, I appreciate them. Recently I have found that my dad knows a man who was the CEO of Hallmark Cards about two years ago. I thought that this would help me to see if I could get a placement there. I decided to email him to see if I could find contact information for someone in the company.
After a few emails talking to Ian, he explained more about the company and what they were looking for, also about how many people actually apply to get placements there every week. As I found it is a lot. I was able to get the name of the head of design there and some of the places she has worked before, this will help me to see what kind of thing she is looking for. The main advice I got was that instead of sending an email, or a card design to them, I should send original work, contact information, and a letter explaining how I would be able to help Hallmark. This is when I decided to change my promotional pack that I made at the end of level 5, as I don't think that it reflects me very well, I'm not proud of it, and don't actually like the design I did for it. Therefore I decided that I would redo it so that I could actually use it to send out to studios for placements.
The best way for me to contact this studio will be to send one of my packs, this will show who I am, what I'm like, some of the original work that I have done and what I can do. It is also a bit different as I have found that a lot of people design their own greetings cards and send them to Hallmark. This wouldn't be a good idea anyway as I have no rights over my design if I send it to them, and they could just use it and not get back to me at all.