This is the second to last web crit therefore it is very important to get something from it. Although I didn't get a lot of peer feedback, I did take a lot from this crit, I could see where everyone was at with their web designs. Seeing that people had started to code their website allowed me to see I need to organise my time more efficiently between multiple briefs.
- Take time out to just focus on web, have a day where that is all I think about.
- Remember about the target audience being crucial for my content and concept.
- Stop thinking about my content for a bit, stop designing cards and things, focus more on the design of the website, then think about the content when I need to apply it. Code the website while I can get help, rather than during Christmas when I cant get help.
- I need to take some time out to do web as I have been focusing on print for the past week or so, and need to get back into web.
- Keep my target audience in mind when designing my website.
- Consistency in navigation is key when creating my website.
- Tone of voice is crucial, don't want to send the wrong message to the wrong people.
- Design in pixels not mm.
- Consider web safe colours, so they will work everywhere - colour palette.
- Think about how my website will work for mobile as something to propose.
- Do some digital scamps and wire frames so that I can make it from those, and make it visual.
- Deadline is the 10th December, therefore I need to crack on, have as much done as possible by then.